December 2012

As the year of 2012 comes to an end, one has to look as what is going on with the world of art and what might be hot in the up coming year.
This brings into mind what is being sold right now and what is happening in the auction world. With placies like Christies dumping a lot of their Asian works and smaller auction house like Phillips de Pury being turned a little sideways with Mr. de Pury and his wife leaving the firm after 12 years as coheads and massive figures in the company, what is going to happen in the next year?

I still have a feeling that Street Art, works by graffiti artists, works by David LaChapelle, Justin Bua and others will still be a safe investment for time to come. They are a little bit of a risk as they are still new names in the art world compared to the likes of Monet, Da Vinci and others, so one would be able to purchase their works for rather a lower price than what most works will go at. I can tell you who are in Europe that you can currently see Mr. LaChapelle’s work right now till March 3, 2013 at the Swedish Museum of Photography (

However, with more and more galleries that show true modern art closing, like the Crewest Gallery in Los Angeles, and galleries like MoMA, the Tate Modern and others being a little cautious at times when it comes to “modern” but still has an amazing eye when it comes to most works, you can still find artist that way, however I would suggest that one take another route when looking for new artist to invest in. I would suggest that a buyer look toward some of the world wide art contest to see what is new and exciting in the art world. I would suggest something like the Future Generation Art Prize. I have never been lucky enough to be chosen as a finalist even though I have submitted my own work to both of their contest, yet the art work that comes out of contest like these are amazing and these artist will be the and most are, the hot artist of the future. Look towards these artist as great investments in 2013, if not to buy but to financially back as well.