June 2012

This month, on the 21st in London, Christie’s Auction has their Impressionist/Modern Day sale.  This sale is awesome.  That is the best way I can put it.  Sure we are talking about Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Camille Pissarro, Joan Miro, Max Ernst, Salvador Dali and even the one and only Man Ray.

However, even with these big, billboard names of the art world, I’m excited for a couple of lesser known names.  I’m speaking of artist like Leon de Smet (1881-1966), Eugene Boudin (1824-1898) and (okay screw it, I’m going to throw in one big name here) Alfred Sisley (1839-1899), and their work is BEAUTIFUL.


Saint-Mammes by Alfred Sisley, Lot #345
Est. $463,323 – $772,205

View of the Thames Embankment

View of the Tames Embankment
by Leon de Smet
Lot $326
Est. $61,776-$108,109

Trouville, le port

Trouville, le port
by Eugene Boudin
Lot # 327
Est. $77,220-$108,109

These three pieces of work are, in my mind, the most beautiful pieces of work in the entire sale.  The brushwork, color and cropping are just beautiful.  If I were two choose a favorite, a “must have” for my personal collection, it would have to be Trouville, le port.  There is just something about that one painting that is just…wow. Maybe it is the loose brushwork, where the clouds are sometimes just even a single brush stroke or two for the fainter clouds.  The ship is breath taking, and the light, as it reflects off of the water and the ripples that show, the prime techniques and ideals of the impressionist ways of painting. I feel that the buyer of Trouville, le port is going to get a very amazing painting for a steal.  Yes, Mr. Boudin is not that well know, much less than the above named artist, but his work is just as good, the subject matter of leasure is prime of the French lifestyle of the time.  He is known as one of the first French landscape painters to actually paint outdoors. He was a trendsetter. I would say on this work, buy buy buy and hold onto it for a LONG time. It is worth it.

You can see a larger view of these works and much more at Christie’s Website.